Monday, 31 October 2011


:) My halloween weekend consisted of making a skeleton top.. & dressing up as a skeleton with my old university mates.

Monday, 17 October 2011

Busy Busy Bee.

I have missed blogging the past month! I have just been so busy working 12 hour shifts to get all the christmas displays out at work I just haven't had time. At least they have taken my mind off my recent break up with my boyfriend.. but that's a whole other story that I won't bore the world with. 

I have also been busy with my own private projects which I will be adding to my Interior Design Portfolio. I have been applying for a few stylist jobs recently.. which would be absolutely perfect for me..It is just taking time pulling all my work together to make me stand out. 

Thought I would post a few pics of recent projects and work projects I have been keeping myself busy with. Let me know any thoughts about my work :) will be very grateful!!

Bedroom Redesign*
I was approached by some family friends to re-design their spare room. Within the brief it had to match their country style but with no flowers. I chose mutual colours with a hint of gold. Theses are my first 2 designs. 

Example Luminar Stage Set design*
Well known Uk Artist Example was booked to do a uk tour within all Luminar clubs. I was approached to design the stage set and what inflatables will be used. A similar set would be used for the Calvin Harris Tour too, this was taken into consideration and images will be available soon.

VB x